Too awesome for its own good
I loved it, but the one thing it was missing was the simplistic, ultra-fast-paced charm of the original. It's great to see that so much more effort went into this one, but it works against itself somewhat in places -- Raven's muscles are mildly entertaining to look at during his speech, but his speech itself just draws out far too long without any real laughs. Yet simply from the cut to Ocelot with his arm still gushing blood, I laughed.
I thought the best bits were the lasers, cigarettes and landmines, and then Snake, Jesus, and God all running off at the mouth without so much as a gap between them. They're all perfectly fast-paced, and in the case of the first part, very true (I'd never heard anybody else complain about that bit and thought I was alone).
It also seems maybe a bit too grounded in reality overall compared to the first. I mean, within about the first 40 seconds of MGA1 there's been a break in the fourth wall, a Dig Dug joke that goes by so fast it's barely visible, and several out-of-fucking-nowhere bits (I KILLED A DOG).
Also I thought that Snake swore just a liiiittle bit much beyond being funny this time.
I still loved it, glad you made it, hope you're still getting some enjoyment out of making these, and here's to a MGA3 somewhere down the line.
By the way, whatever happened to An Awesomer Halloween?